Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Forgotten Feature: Cheek Bones

Ask someone what they might like to change about themselves if given the chance, and many people will pick from the well-known list: nose, eyes, chin, wrinkles, stubborn fat pockets here or there.Hair Removal System But very rarely do we hear “cheeks.” This is probably because most patients are unaware of just how impactful the cheeks are to the overall appearance of the face.
Studies have shown that people prefer symmetrical, youthful features. What’s surprising, however, is that people generally like adult faces with baby characteristics; for example, large high cheekbones, big eyes, and a small nose. What you may not realize is that whether due to aging or genetics, sunken cheekbones can age a face in a way that most people won’t be able to “put their finger on” but that will in fact be recognized as “older.”
So what can you do if you weren’t born with prominent cheeks? Well, of course there are makeup solutions, such as highlighting the bone itself while accentuating the shadow underneath with a darker color. But if you’re like some of my patients, powders just won’t cut it. That’s where Radiesse comes in.
As you may know, Radiesse is one of my most favorite fillers. Photorejuvenation It is made from calcium hydroxyapatite, which is completely non-allergenic and resembles the exact same substance your bone and teeth are made from! Therefore, when I use it to augment the cheeks, you’ll get a natural looking effect. I see too many patients who use other fillers or even implants or silicone with results that look too large and un-natural. Having a non-surgical cheek augmentation eliminates this risk: making you in charge of exactly what parts of the face you want to accentuate, and how much. With little to no pain, 15 minutes, and a mirror, you can have the bone structure that most models and celebrities are known for.
Patients of all ages can benefit greatly from a cheek augmentation. I have patients in their 20′s, and patients in their 80′s. In fact, one of the most fantastic transformations I’ve ever seen with cheek augmentation came in one of my patients over 80 who with a few vials of Radiesse turned back the clock over 15 years.Skin Rejuvenation Treatments She was shocked at what a cheek augmentation did to restore some youth to her face (and I’ll admit, I was surprised at how incredible the transformation was myself). Almost all my patients who try non-surgical cheek augmentation end up becoming repeat patients, insisting that they love the results so much they can’t imagine going back. And really, there’s no reason to. The price is far less than the surgical alternative (which involves anesthesia and OR fees), and the recovery is simply no comparison. After relaxing with numbing cream on the cheeks for a short time, the procedure takes no more than 10-15 minutes. Afterward, you can get back to your life immediately….and by immediately I mean you can be returning to work or leisure in the time it takes to have a lunch break.
Why not treat yourself to something new this holiday season? With all the gatherings approaching, wouldn’t it be nice to look and feel rejuvenated…without anyone being able to tell that something about you has changed! zzlht130315

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