Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Forgotten Feature: Cheek Bones

Ask someone what they might like to change about themselves if given the chance, and many people will pick from the well-known list: nose, eyes, chin, wrinkles, stubborn fat pockets here or there.Hair Removal System But very rarely do we hear “cheeks.” This is probably because most patients are unaware of just how impactful the cheeks are to the overall appearance of the face.
Studies have shown that people prefer symmetrical, youthful features. What’s surprising, however, is that people generally like adult faces with baby characteristics; for example, large high cheekbones, big eyes, and a small nose. What you may not realize is that whether due to aging or genetics, sunken cheekbones can age a face in a way that most people won’t be able to “put their finger on” but that will in fact be recognized as “older.”
So what can you do if you weren’t born with prominent cheeks? Well, of course there are makeup solutions, such as highlighting the bone itself while accentuating the shadow underneath with a darker color. But if you’re like some of my patients, powders just won’t cut it. That’s where Radiesse comes in.
As you may know, Radiesse is one of my most favorite fillers. Photorejuvenation It is made from calcium hydroxyapatite, which is completely non-allergenic and resembles the exact same substance your bone and teeth are made from! Therefore, when I use it to augment the cheeks, you’ll get a natural looking effect. I see too many patients who use other fillers or even implants or silicone with results that look too large and un-natural. Having a non-surgical cheek augmentation eliminates this risk: making you in charge of exactly what parts of the face you want to accentuate, and how much. With little to no pain, 15 minutes, and a mirror, you can have the bone structure that most models and celebrities are known for.
Patients of all ages can benefit greatly from a cheek augmentation. I have patients in their 20′s, and patients in their 80′s. In fact, one of the most fantastic transformations I’ve ever seen with cheek augmentation came in one of my patients over 80 who with a few vials of Radiesse turned back the clock over 15 years.Skin Rejuvenation Treatments She was shocked at what a cheek augmentation did to restore some youth to her face (and I’ll admit, I was surprised at how incredible the transformation was myself). Almost all my patients who try non-surgical cheek augmentation end up becoming repeat patients, insisting that they love the results so much they can’t imagine going back. And really, there’s no reason to. The price is far less than the surgical alternative (which involves anesthesia and OR fees), and the recovery is simply no comparison. After relaxing with numbing cream on the cheeks for a short time, the procedure takes no more than 10-15 minutes. Afterward, you can get back to your life immediately….and by immediately I mean you can be returning to work or leisure in the time it takes to have a lunch break.
Why not treat yourself to something new this holiday season? With all the gatherings approaching, wouldn’t it be nice to look and feel rejuvenated…without anyone being able to tell that something about you has changed! zzlht130315

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Bedford New York Laser Hair Removal Laser Cosmetica

Are you tired of going to the salon every fortnight to get your legs waxed or your hands bleached? Well, you should try out laser hair removal. It’s a one time thing, you get the treatment done once and you basically never have to think about getting yourself waxed every again! Sound’s great doesn’t it?
You might be very scared to get laser hair removal,Hair Removal System but if you understand how the entire process works then you might get a better idea about it. Basically a pulsed light is used, this light helps in focusing in on the dark pigment and then breaking it down. Basically the light helps in getting rid of the dark pigment, or what is known as melanin. So if you have a light skin tone and you have a darker hair color then it will work wonders for you and this is the case for both men and women.
Sometimes people wonder if they can use soap on the skin after the treatment. Well, what you need to know is that there are three main phases of the laser hair removal. Those are the growing, resting and shedding phase. For the growth phase, what happens is what we talked about with the laser removal before. For the resting phase you simply let your skin rest after the entire treatment. And finally, after say 10 to 14 days, the hair falls out. Laser Hair Removal Equipment You can use a soap or a scrub during this time, but you need to make sure that it is a mild one. Also if your question is if the skin is going to burn if you wash it with the soap or hurt? The answer is no. The scrubbing part, actually helps in removing the hair from your skin. It also makes your skin softer.
A lot of people like to know exactly how long the entire process takes. It basically depends on the part of the body you want. But the best part about laser hair removal is that different follicles. So you can get a large portion of your skin treated all at one time! If you compare this treatment to electrolysis, it actually takes a lot less time. Let’s take an example, a usual session for both of your legs will take you around 2 hours or less. In fact, you can use laser hair removal to get rid of chest and even back hair!
Now moving on to the part about getting the results. It basically differs from person to person, but on an average it takes around say 4 to 8 months before you start seeing the hair growth getting reduced. By the time you finish your sixth session, you will be able to see a 70 percent reduction in the growth rate of your hair.Hair Removal Machine Once you manage to finish the treatment you can go back for maintenance once in two or three. But before you actually start a session you have to follow certain rules which includes not waxing or plucking hair from the region for a while. But if you really want to get rid of your hair growth or reduce it permanently then laser hair removal is the best treatment for zzlht130315

Does laser hair removal scar

You may be pleased to know that laser hair removal is applicable to both men and women. Men can forget having to shave everyday and women can wear sleeveless clothes everyday without plucking off their underarm hair regularly. A man wants hair out of his chest, face and back. A woman wants hair away from her face, arm, and legs. IPL Hair Removal Machines A woman does not need any hair showing out of her underarms and bikini area. Laser hair removal is easy, less painful and provides scar less results as compared to most hair removal techniques like waxing, depilatory creams and electrolysis.
Electrolysis is effective but is costly, painful and time consuming. The worst part of it is that you become more prone to having scars from this technique especially if it is done improperly. Electrolysis uses electricity to eliminate your hair follicles.
Depilatory creams are inexpensive and ideal for widespread removal such as you legs and chest, but is not advisable for use in your facial hairs. Moreover, the results fade after one or two weeks. You have to re apply these creams over and over.
Waxing is a very commonly used technique and offer results that last longer than the creams, but it can be painful. Besides this disturbance, you can experience some skin discoloration, inflammation and irritation.
Laser hair removal is your best option. You may be subjected to several sessions, depending on the extent of your hair growth, but the results of the treatment are safe, effective and long lasting. To top it all, the results are pleasing, no scarring, skin irritation and other side effects.
The laser hair removal expert uses different kinds of lasers based on the color, texture, tone and type of your skin and hair. Your genetic factor is also a vital factor in determining the exact laser beam to be used for your concern. This is done by skilled professionals in order to assure you that your skin will be free from any scars and blemishes.
The laser hair removal expert applies cooling devices during the performance of your laser hair removal. This is another way to provide you added protection and comfort. These cooling devices protect your skin to minimize the redness that may result from the laser beam. Anticipate the minimized redness to disperse after a short period of time.IPL Laser Hair Removal After the procedure, the laser expert will give you recommendations on what to expect and how to treat your skin. Like wise, you are given a schedule for your next laser hair removal session. After your laser hair removal treatment, your skin may look sunburned for a couple of days. Moisturizers and cool compresses can help. If you like, you can wear your regular make-up.
For the next month, you may notice the treated hair falling out. Apply sunscreen to your skin during this period to help the natural healing of the color of your skin. You may experience some redness or swelling, but these are temporary. Changes in the skin and permanent scarring are nil to zero.
You must submit yourself to several sessions of laser hair removal to reach your desired permanent hair loss. Laser hair removal purchases offer free touch-up treatments for two years since your date of purchase. permanent hair removal This offering is applicable if you have completed a six-session course.
Laser hair removal treatment is precise, offers speed, predictability and scar free results. You only have to follow the recommendations of your laser expert to ensure a safe, effective and permanent laser hair removal without the scars provided by other treatments. zzlht130315

Laser Hair Removal Photos

Do you want to get rid of that unsightly, unwanted hair in your bikini free areas? How about that mustache that is slowly popping up under the nose? Now you can go to the beach without covering up too much skin. Hair Removal System Laser hair removal takes care of it all with no scarring and very little pain ( a lot less than waxing).
I know that when you think about a laser beam, you think about a ray of light cutting through 2 inches of steel. You decide you don’t want to take the chance of cutting through the skin. This procedure uses a pulsating ray of light that hits the hair follicles. The heat from the laser inhibits future growth as it damages the hair follicle. It is safe and its affect is long lasting. There may be some temporary skin irritation, redness and a possibility of swelling. These usually only last a few short hours and you will be free of that unwanted hair. Eventually, even laser hair removal comes back. Multiple treatments can last for a number of years. For the best outcome, you may need a few treatments spread out over a few weeks. You may also need a periodic update every six to 12 months. Don’t get me wrong getting rid of that ugly, unwanted hair is well worth the effort. Laser Hair Removal Equipment Here are some of the benefits of laser hair removal:
Selectivity – The lasers can pinpoint the hairs you want removed and at the same time leave the surrounding area unscathed. What a fantastic benefit of laser hair removal.
Quick treatment – The lasers can treat a three-quarter inch area every second. This make short work out of smaller areas like the upper lip or between the belly-button and bathing suit line. Obviously, the larger the area the longer it will take. So, having the hair removed from your back may take an hour or so.
Laser hair removal works – After just a few treatments with the laser the majority of people never have to be concerned about their unsightly hair again.
These benefits make the laser method of hair removal very attractive. Hair Removal Machine What is your next step in getting this procedure done? Here are some steps to take:
Make sure you have a qualified technician – This process is a medical procedure and you should make sure your provider is trained and has a track record of successful treatments.
Leave your roots alone – For at least six weeks prior to laser hair removal do not use any other type of root removing treatments. Do not pluck or wax since these techniques pull out the root and it takes time to grow back. The laser hair removal treatments takes care of the root and follicles.
Start in the off season – Stay out of the sun. Do not tan for six weeks prior to treatments. Tanned skin will leave some discoloration for a short period of time.
Ninety percent of the people who laser hair removal done are glad that their ugly, unwanted hair is gone. There really is no reason not to get it done if it will help you feel better about yourself. zzlht130315

Laser Hair Removal Costs

Are you postponing your plans of laser hair removal of late just because of high costs? Well, you should not at all. It is a myth that hair removal procedures which are done with the help of laser treatment are quite costly. But, if you spend some time calculating the effectiveness of the treatment, you will understand that the cost associated with it is many times lesser than the conventional methods. Things to know about laser hair removal
Let us understand some basic points regarding laser hair removal. Then we can move forward to the costing part. Hair removal is a very common thing now-a-day. IPL Hair Removal Machines It can give you the boost in life to become more confident. People looking for a change in their lives readily go for hair removal. It is a part of beauty regimen. The various traditional modes and methods of hair removal are not so user-friendly. At times, they can damage one’s body. With the onset and evolution of laser hair removal, woman found it easy to remove their unnecessary hair without much pain and side effects.
Costs associated with Laser hair removal
You cannot complete your hair removal task at one sitting. Several sittings are required to properly remove hair from a certain area with the help of laser. Moreover, such laser treatments may take up to two years for 100 percent success. There are a lot of spas and clinics which will offer you a very low price for hair removal. I should tell you frankly that low cost is just another marketing trick. Do not go for such traps. IPL Laser Hair Removal Firstly, you should understand the entire program and protocols of hair removal. You need to understand the pros and cons associated with very frequent removal sessions. Moreover, expert help is required for ultimate success in hair removal by laser. A lot of clinics go for less experienced clinicians to offer low cost packages to customers. But, in return, the customers face the music in terms of side effects and unreasonably longer treatment periods. So, to sum it up, you should not go for the price alone. Low cost does not mean quality service. Advantages of laser hair removal
When laser is used to treat your hair issues, then high precision of the technology helps you get rid of your unnecessary hairs without damaging the nearby areas. permanent hair removal Moreover, high speed and sure shot results are other great advantages of this technology. The variable costs of laser hair removal
It is true that the cost of laser hair removal is comparatively higher than the various conventional methods. This is so because of the various advantages already mentioned above.
Several factors decide the overall cost of laser removal methods. Such factors include the size of the area, numbers of treatments or sittings, whether an attendant or doctor is performing the treatment and your place of residence. So, you should not believe the myth that laser hair removal is a costly affair. Take a wise decision after some research. Remember, quality always comes at a price. Lasercosmetica is the most esstemed provider in NYC. zzlht130315

Laser Hair Removal For Men

There are men that begin to grow more hair as they get older. Some of them would like to get rid of the unwanted hair because they develop more than they wish to have on their bodies. Your genes are what is responsible for determining how hairy you will be. If your your father has a lot of body hair, there is a huge chance that you will undergo the same hair growth.Hair Removal System If this is not what you want, there are solutions for your problem including laserhairremoval.The Assessment Process
Before you go and get rid of unwelcome hair on your body using laser treatment, you should have an assessment first. If this is the first time to visit a dermatologist, let him or her perform a thorough inspection to verify that the solution is suitable for your condition. Some of the aspects that will be appraised here are prior hair removal treatments and their outcome. Some dermatologists even take a look at your medical history so things like cold sores and abnormal scarring will be reviewed. Oftentimes, hair color, skin type, and tan presence will also be studied to find out if you might have skin discoloration if you ever undergo treatment.
The Procedure
Another thing that you should know about is the laserhairremoval treatment.Laser Hair Removal Equipment During the procedure, you will see a laser beam that will pass through your skin and into the hair follicles. The laser’s heat will ultimately damage the hair follicles so that the hair will no longer grow. The treatment is performed so that you will not have hair for a very long time. However, you should not be surprised if hair starts growing again after several months or so. This is because the procedure is only designed to impair the hair follicles but this does not eradicate the hair cells.
After your first treatment, you need to go back to your dermatologist’s office for follow up treatments. Generally, a person will be required to make a return visit three times or maybe even more. This is done so as to achieve lasting reduction of hair growth. Therefore, even if hair grows back, you can expect that they will grow in lesser amounts. Every treatment often lasts up to an hour and usually takes place a month to six weeks after the first treatment. Nevertheless, these will all depend on the skin condition of the patient as well as the hair density and color of the skin.
Side Effects
There really is nothing to worry about after you undergo treatment. Hair Removal Machine The only side effects that may occur is redness, swelling, and perhaps swelling on the treated area. It is important that you consult with your dermatologist because your medical history may affect the outcome. Experts believe that those with dark hair and light skin will experience the best results.
Treatment Cost
The laserhairremoval process has varying costs depending on the clinic that will perform the procedure as well as the thickness of hair, the location of hair, and the amount hair you wish to remove. For instance, if you plan on getting rid of unwanted hair at your back, each session may cost you from $300 up to $800. If it is just facial hair, each session may cost you $100 to $300. You can discuss with your dermatologist the available options in reducing the cost before you even begin the treatment. Laserhairremoval is not only for the body but also for the face. The whole procedure is guaranteed to be painless so you can get smooth and hairless skin quickly and trouble-free. zzlht130315

Best laser hair removal bedford new york locations

If you are thinking about getting the best skin care services, our laser hair removal, facial treatment, skin tightening, and advanced care centers use the state of art techniques and tools that will offer you the best skin care services. We have several branches in New York where you can reach use whether you reside within, on outside the city.
In the contemporary society, skin care is very significant and practiced among men and women in promoting their physical look. Best laser hair removal Bedford New York location is strategically positioned to make it easy for us implements our priority to offer you exemplary services, which would make your skin, look good.
At the moment, we are ten years old and growing, providing amazing services such as chemical peels, skin rejuvenation and Microdermabrasion in over 6 locations.IPL Hair Removal Machines The locations are divided into four distinct zones, including Manhattan, Long Island, Westchester and Connecticut. In Westchester, our premise is located at White Plains close to Harris Crescent, which is along 95 Church Street, 3rd Floor White Plains, NY 10601. This place is also close to the road, towards the junction of Church Street and Hamilton Avenue.
At, this premise, the company applies the Palomar Starlux 500 technologically enabled system that is recognized worldwide for its safety and efficiency. It is accessible by road and those who live nearby could actually walk to the premise and get the services such as laser hair removal Bedford New York.
At this location, we have aestheticians who are experienced in using the Palomar system tailored towards skin type and needs. The experts offer a permanent and compliant hair removal from the upper lip, underarms, legs, and chin Manhattan
In this zone, there are four premises where we offer the skin care services, including laser hair removal Bedford New York. Generally, the services all our services are offered in all the branches which are strategically positioned to facilitate accessibility to the regular and expected customers. IPL Laser Hair Removal They include:
Midtown West, which is along 57 West 57th Street, Suite 1209, New York, NY 10019. The place could be easily reached since it is close to the junction of the two 57th Streets
The second premise is located in Midtown East, which is along 110 East 40th Street, Suite 407 New York, NY 10013. This is found in Bedford area by the roadside and could be accessed through Park Avenue.
The third premise is located in Chelsea, which is along 18 West 23rd Street, 2nd floor New York, NY 10010. Those who require laser hair removal Bedford New York could use the 5th Avenue can also access the premise by branching at he junction of 23rd Street and 5th Avenue. Its proximity to the road also improves accessibility.
Finally, there is a premise at the Financial District, which is located along 160 Broadway, Suite 6NE New York, NY 10038. The prospective customer could also access the premise by following Laiden Lane, pass Federal Reserve Bank and branch at the Broadway junction. Its close proximity to the road also improve accessibility.
Long Island
In this zone, our premise is located at Great Neck, which is along 833 Northern Blvd, Suite 235 Great Neck, LI 11021. This place is also close to the road and accessible via Lee Avenue.permanent hair removal The customers could get the best services, which we offer such as laser hair removal Bedford New York
The premise that the company use in this zone is located at Westport, which is along 32 Imperial Avenue Westport, CT 06880. This place is also close to the road and accessible via Jesup Road. This means you could drive along Jesup Road and branch at its junction with Imperial Avenue for ease accessibility.
Our services, including laser hair removal Bedford New York and skin care are exemplary. zzlht130315