Thursday, July 21, 2011

Laser Hair Removal Photos

Do you want to get rid of that unsightly, unwanted hair in your bikini free areas? How about that mustache that is slowly popping up under the nose? Now you can go to the beach without covering up too much skin. Hair Removal System Laser hair removal takes care of it all with no scarring and very little pain ( a lot less than waxing).
I know that when you think about a laser beam, you think about a ray of light cutting through 2 inches of steel. You decide you don’t want to take the chance of cutting through the skin. This procedure uses a pulsating ray of light that hits the hair follicles. The heat from the laser inhibits future growth as it damages the hair follicle. It is safe and its affect is long lasting. There may be some temporary skin irritation, redness and a possibility of swelling. These usually only last a few short hours and you will be free of that unwanted hair. Eventually, even laser hair removal comes back. Multiple treatments can last for a number of years. For the best outcome, you may need a few treatments spread out over a few weeks. You may also need a periodic update every six to 12 months. Don’t get me wrong getting rid of that ugly, unwanted hair is well worth the effort. Laser Hair Removal Equipment Here are some of the benefits of laser hair removal:
Selectivity – The lasers can pinpoint the hairs you want removed and at the same time leave the surrounding area unscathed. What a fantastic benefit of laser hair removal.
Quick treatment – The lasers can treat a three-quarter inch area every second. This make short work out of smaller areas like the upper lip or between the belly-button and bathing suit line. Obviously, the larger the area the longer it will take. So, having the hair removed from your back may take an hour or so.
Laser hair removal works – After just a few treatments with the laser the majority of people never have to be concerned about their unsightly hair again.
These benefits make the laser method of hair removal very attractive. Hair Removal Machine What is your next step in getting this procedure done? Here are some steps to take:
Make sure you have a qualified technician – This process is a medical procedure and you should make sure your provider is trained and has a track record of successful treatments.
Leave your roots alone – For at least six weeks prior to laser hair removal do not use any other type of root removing treatments. Do not pluck or wax since these techniques pull out the root and it takes time to grow back. The laser hair removal treatments takes care of the root and follicles.
Start in the off season – Stay out of the sun. Do not tan for six weeks prior to treatments. Tanned skin will leave some discoloration for a short period of time.
Ninety percent of the people who laser hair removal done are glad that their ugly, unwanted hair is gone. There really is no reason not to get it done if it will help you feel better about yourself. zzlht130315

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