Thursday, July 21, 2011

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent New York Locations With Pictures

Laser hair removal is necessitated by having unwanted hair in sensitive areas. Unwanted hair refers to hairs that are either considered by the individual as unattractive or unacceptable. These include hair on sensitive areas for instance the nipple area, legs, forearms, extensions of pubic hair and on the pits. Hairy women are mostly found to have low self esteem and suffer from depression.IPL Hair Removal Machines This has spurred an increasing need especially in women to turn to laser hair removal as an alternative method of removing the so called unwanted hairs. The most frequently asked question on laser hair removal in New York is whether it is permanent or not. Considering the advertising and cost of the procedure, this question is extremely valid. The laser hair removal market in New York is flooded with centres out to make money. Therefore, there are myriad unfounded claims and half truths about laser hair removal.
Misconceptions about Laser Hair Removal
Potential customers are under the impression that the process only requires one scheduled visit. The truth could not be further from this. A proper center schedules six visits for a full treatment procedure. Each visit is two months apart from the next one. Some instances have variations depending on the biological factors of the patient, that is, hair growth cycle.
The growth cycle causes the patient to have some abeyant hairs underneath the skin even after the procedure. These dormant hairs grow out of different follicles, some of which may be untouched by the first treatments. IPL Laser Hair Removal Once the growth cycle is in motion, these hairs grow out albeit finer and lighter. By this time, time for the next treatment session will be due. After all six treatments are complete, it is still necessary to go for touch up procedures annually to counter the decelerated growth cycle.
How it works
Laser hair removal destroys hair follicles hence leaving behind no stubble or in grown hairs. This gives the skin a smooth texture after all the treatments are completed. The skin is not majorly affected during the procedure. Most reports indicate an experience of a tingling sensation during the procedure. The hair follicles are heated up to destroy the stem cells that produce hair. The skin cools off at a much faster rate than the follicles thus it suffers minimal damage. The process is relatively painless compared to conventional methods of hair reduction such as tweezing and waxing.
This treatment can be tailor made to suit the location of the unwanted hair, your skin texture and your hair pigmentation. For the best results, the hair and the surrounding area have a high contrast ratio. Women with olive skin and dark hair have the best contrast ratio hence have the best results. However, it is still effective regardless of the skin type, for example, Black, Hispanic and Caucasian types can all achieve desired results with laser hair removal.
Permanent Hair Removal or Reduction
Laser hair removal can, therefore, be said to have permanent effects. However, it reduces the hair permanently in that it will not regenerate to its original size. Once in a while, the abeyant hairs will grow out of their follicles albeit finer than pretreatment. In between treatments, the treated hairs fall while the skin heals. The shedding can be accelerated by dabbing the skin with a cloth during a shower. In addition, laser hair removal is relatively painless. Other than the hot pinch experienced during the procedure, only a tingling sensation is experienced by patients. Most patients go about their normal routines unencumbered after their procedure. After the procedure, you may notice slight swelling and reddening of the skin. permanent hair removal This can easily be remedied by use of a cold compress or cream.
Laser Cosmetica
Laser Cosmetica is one of the best hair removal centres in New York. They have six different locations in New York with two other locations in Long Island and Connecticut with plans of expansion currently underway. With the best customer service, a decade of experience and the best staff, Laser Cosmetica is your best bet at having the best value for your money. Laser Cosmetica offers an array of services including laser hair removal, skin tightening, microdermabrasions, and photofacials among other cosmetic services.
The lasers used here are fast and have minimal discomfort. All Laser Cosmetica equipment is FDA approved. Their lasers use chill tips that cool the dermis to neutralize discomfort during procedures. In addition, they offer post topicals and numbing creams to soothe possible irritations. To top it all, Laser Cosmetica goes the extra mile to offer four free touch-up treatments. It is only available to clients who complete the full protocol and is redeemable two years from the purchase date. Walk into any Laser Cosmetica center and experience the best laser hair removal service in New York. zzlht130315

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