Thursday, July 21, 2011

Best Laser Hair Removal Service NYC

Long flowing hair is considered a woman’s greatest asset. However, hair in some sensitive areas like the nipple area, legs, forearms, extensions of pubic hair and the arm pits are undesirable. Unwanted hair in these areas can cause distress and low esteem in most women. Conventional shaving methods like shaving, tweezing and waxing often achieve desired results but leave some scarring and itchiness.Hair Removal System Laser hair removal guarantees permanent solutions with no scarring and minimal discomfort.
Why choose laser treatments
Laser hair removal procedures are dependent on your hair growth cycle. Lasers used in hair removal are specifically chosen with regard to skin colour and type. This has been made possible through the myriad technological advances in laser technology. It is also the fastest way to get excellent results in the selected area. Furthermore, it has minimal discomfort and little pain. The only pain experienced is the “hot pinch”, which brings about a tingling sensation for a split second. The rest of the procedure is painless. In addition, laser hair removal is safe for the skin. It is customised to suit the needs of different skin types and colours. It poses no threats of long term side effects from the laser beams used with them. However, temporary pinkness of the skin may be experienced shortly after the procedure. This reaction is normal, and it usually clears in a few hours or days.
Number of treatments
For laser hair removal to be permanent, multiple sessions are scheduled. This is necessary to destroy the hair follicles and also halt the hair growth cycle. The optimal number of scheduled sessions for desired clearance is six. The treatments usually last a year with each session scheduled after two months.Laser Hair Removal Equipment Each treatment session aims at slowing down the process of growth. The hair becomes lighter and finer with each treatment. Dark coloured hair requires less number of treatments than lighter coloured hair. After the completion of the scheduled visits, the outcome is predicted to be in the range of 80% to 100% of the desired clearance.
How to choose the best NYC hair removal centres
NYC is awash with laser hair removal centres. Because of this, it might be difficult to separate which centres provide the best service at the best prices. The best centres usually follow a checklist of standard. This includes
Value for money – the best service provider should give you your money’s worth. This is through customer care, friendly staff and the best equipment.
Safety – the best hair removal centres in NYC always adhere to safety regulations and observe safety measures. This guarantees that you are in safe hands and that no undesirable side effects occur after your treatment session.
Customer service- the top service providers believe that the customer’s needs come first. Their main goal is customer satisfaction. For instance, they provide numbing creams and post laser topicals to relieve any irritation or discomfort arising from the procedure. Fringe benefits- In addition to stellar service, the best laser hair removal centres must have a package deal with the treatment. The package deal is an incentive for repeat customers for their range of services while encouraging referrals to new customers. Proven track record- A good name should precede your hair removal center of choice. This includes certifications by the FDA and other health accrediting authorities as well as quality assurance companies. In addition, it must have excellent reviews online from consumers. Equipment- the best service providers are equipped with the latest laser equipment that is FDA approved. These equipments ensure that you get your money’s worth, and the best technology has to offer.
Laser Cosmetica
Laser Cosmetica is one of the best NYC hair removal centres. Hair Removal Machine With the best customer service, a decade of experience and the best staff, Laser Cosmetica is your best bet at having the best value for your money. Laser Cosmetica offers a wide range of services including laser hair removal, skin tightening, microdermabrasions, and photofacials among other cosmetic services. They also have six different locations in New York with two other locations in Long Island and Connecticut with plans of expansion currently underway.
The lasers used here are fast and have minimal discomfort. All Laser Cosmetica equipment is FDA approved. Their lasers use chill tips that cools the dermis to neutralize discomfort during procedures. In addition, they offer post topicals and numbing creams to soothe possible irritations. To top it all, Laser Cosmetica goes the extra mile to offer four free touch-up treatments. It is only available to clients who complete the full protocol and is redeemable two years from the purchase date. Walk into any Laser Cosmetica center and experience the best NYC laser hair removal service. zzlht130315

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