Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What Is Laser Hair Removal

The following is an answer to to the question; what is laser hair removal?
When a laser is used for hair removal an pulsating light beam is aimed at individual hair follicles. The laser beam generates heat which is absorbed by the hair follicle.IPL Hair Removal Machines The heat causes inflammation which causes it to go into a dormant stage. While the hair follicle is in this dormant stage it is unable to grown hair.
The following is a further explanation of what is laser hair removal?
The pigment or melanin in the hair follicle is the actual target of the laser beam.
The trick is to hit the target without damaging the surrounding skin. The laser must be on for the precise amount of time needed to heat the target but not do any damage to surrounding skin. IPL Laser Hair Removal It is a delicate balancing act that requires much training and experience to develop the skill to get it right.
Laser Fact:
Most people need between three and seven treatments that are four to eight weeks apart. After these treatments the hair in the treated area will be significantly reduced. Hair removal is not 100% so it will not be completely gone and although hair removal lasts a long time periodic maintenance treatments are usually necessary. permanent hair removal These maintenance treatments are needed less often over time, but since everyone is different the number of treatments needed depend on the individuals characteristics.
Laser Fact:
Some women tweeze their unwanted hair, but repeated plucking can cause irritation to the hair follicle and possible scarring. Only use this method for a few stray hairs that occasionally pop up or for hair in a location where the laser cannot be used. One area a laser should never be used is around the eyes, the powerful light bean and can cause eye damage. zzlht130315

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